I thought this meal was pretty yummy, but J thought the sweet potato taste was a little overwhelming ... too sweet. Or bland. What could spice this dish up?? I'm not sure but I'd definitely like to tweak this recipe and give it another try. (May I just say I realized I had forgotten to add the salt and pepper? oops ... that explains a LOT about the blandness of flavor).
Baked Sweet Potato and Blackbeans - serves 4
4 sweet potatoes, skins scrubbed
2 cups black beans
2oz. cheddar cheese, grated
salt and peppar
1. Preheat oven to 400F
2. Pierce potato with fork and put in oven to cook for 45mins (I must have had an exceptionally large potato ... 45mins was NOT enough time. I added another 20mins baking and then another 10mins in the microwave on high ... and then broiled to brown the top for a few minutes at the end)
3. Once fully cooked, slice potato length-wise and top with 1/2 cup black beans with 1/2oz. cheese.
(I scooped the potato out of it's skin, mashed the potato, added the black beans and minced onion. Put this back into the potato skin and topped with cheese and cilantro).
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